Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Does Vasectomy Affect Sex-life?

A vasectomy will not affect one’s sex life. It does not decrease one’s sex drive as it does not affect the production of the male hormone testosterone. It also does not affect one’s ability to get an erection or ejaculate semen. As the sperm does make up a very small amount of the semen, one will not notice a difference in the amount of semen one ejaculates.
Professional sports programs on TV do have commercials that deal with erectile dysfunction (ED). Men’s sexual health issues are more complicated. Men do face the biological clock. They do experience age-related hormonal changes, and there are good medical reasons not to ignore ED, even when it responds to medication.

Vasectomies are reversible

A vasectomy is a surgical sterilization, but it is not really permanent. A man still makes sperm after a vasectomy and in case it has been less than ten years since the procedure there is definitely a 95 percent chance that the spaghetti-sized tubing (vas deferens) that was cut or clamped can be reconnected.
A vasectomy reversal is usually done under a microscope with sutures as fine as eyelashes. Vasectomy reversal costs are indeed rather high and are not covered by insurance. But it is definitely more affordable, and less invasive, as compared to in vitro fertilization (IVF) and can be performed as an outpatient procedure.

Male Menopause

Men do not get hot flashes, but they do experience age-related declines in sex hormones that do reflect female menopause. Andropause normally begins as men approach middle age in the 40s as well as beyond. Every man does undergo andropause. Symptoms do vary. Some men feel irritability, fatigue, weight gain. Some have the low sex drive and erectile dysfunction, whereas some do not.

Read about: ivf clinic in hyderabad

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